ChristmasTree_Cone Nebula
10 x 360 sec ISO 1600
Darks and Flats calibrated in ImagePlus
(Canon Rebel XTi (400DH) spectrum enhanced camera with built-in astronomical UV/IR blocking filter (Type Ib) )
Custom White Balance
Scope CGE 1100 with 6.3 focal reducer.
Guiding with Meade ED80 using PhD and Shoestring adapters
Processed with ImagePlus and Photoshop and AstroTools
Acutally a collection of 3 primary objects including NGC 2264 is the Christmas Tree Cluster, a large star forming region full of bright stars, Cone Nebula (baby bird beak looking structure on bottom right here and Fox Fur Nebula has a strange shape originate from fine interstellar dust reacting in complex ways surrounding and to right of bright star 15 monocerotis (top left in pic)